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CERE 2019 Begins at IIM Indore

The 10th Conference on Excellence in Research and Education began at IIM Indore on May 03, 2019. The three day conference is being organized on the theme—Inclusion, Institution and Innovation. Following the principals of VasudhaivKutumbakam, it reiterates the importance of inclusivity for the society at large—in this regard, the institutions play a critical role in any society.
On the other hand, innovation plays a special role for the survival and progress of the institution. The conference would witness one guest talk, three workshops and 188 paper presentations from the participants and research scholars across the nation. The conference received around 415 papers from scholars from the nation and abroad and 188 were shortlisted for the presentation.
The first day of the conference began with the registration, followed by the inaugural ceremony. The event began with the lamp lighting by Professor Himanshu Rai, Director, IIM Indore, Professor Sushanta K. Mishra, Conference Coordinator & Faculty, IIM Indore and Professor Sanjeev Tripathi, Programme Chair, FPM.
Professor Rai then gave the Keynote Address. He began his talk discussing about effective leadership and noted that a good leader is the one who uses his heart, mind and intellect together for taking decisions. Discussing about the BE-KNOW-DO Framework, Professor Rai said that a good leader should always be a servant-leader, adaptive and creative thinker, and a global communicator.
‘He or she, should know self and always be keen and look forward to self-improvement, along with willingness to know the people he or she is with and help them achieve their potential. One should aim to know the profession he or she is working in, and should contribute to it and develop with it’, he said. He noted that doing the things right, providing a clear and actionable vision, making timely decisions and maintaining a balance and moderation is the key to effective leadership.
Professor Sushanta K. Mishra then addressed the gathering and welcomed all the participants and the delegates to the conference. He said that the objective of IIM Indore is to create, contribute and connect with the research and researchers across the world. ‘CERE is one such platform which the Institute always looks forward to, for it helps bringing together many research scholars with various experiences and helps in exchanging ideas’, he said.
Professor Sanjeev Tripathi then said that CERE is a way to get reviews for the work a researcher has done, from various other experts.
Apart from various paper presentations, a workshop on Network Analysis was also conducted by Professor Kumar Kunal Kamal, IIM Udaipur. Discussing about Network and its meaning, Professor Kamal said, ‘Network means to tie-up, to connect with each other, and it is found in every aspect of our daily lives’. He said that network effect can be observed not only in educational institutions, organizations, groups or individuals, but also in wars, politics and every single sector in the daily routine.
‘Our behaviour depends on the network and the factors of the network which affects it. The network analysis is not only about methods, but it also deals with different ways of theorizing. He then shared his views on designing a network study- framing research questions, deciding whether to go for a cross sectional or a longitudinal study and choosing between experiment and survey as the data collection methods.
The workshop provided insights to the participants to learn more about networking and enhance their knowledge by a Q&A session at last.The day concluded with a conference dinner for all the participants which provided a platform for networking and exchanging ideas, share research work and learn from each other.
The second day of the conference would witness a workshop namely, Workshop on How to Research Enough Experiments by Professor Sanjeev Tripathi, Faculty, IIM Indore.